Ocean Liners

The Fantastic Ships of the Past

What is an Ocean Liner?

The humble Transatlantic ocean liner may seem like a rather mundane and boring thing; after all, aren't they basically just ferries? Wrong! Ocean liners were so much more than utilitarian vehicles to shuttle people around. The ocean liner is an experience. One that every passenger who ever traveled on one of the great liners of the day, from immigrant to wealthy socialite, would remember for the rest of their lives. It was a beautiful thing. And now it is gone. Aircraft stole the business away from the ocean liners, and over the decades they slowly fell into obscurity as companies went bankrupt and the ships were laid up. But that's just kind of depressing, and you didn't come here for depressing information, you came here to talk ships! So let's keep the memory of the great liner's alive, and dive into some interesting history, shall we?


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Site Revamp!

TheOceanLiner.com has undergone a stylistic upgrade, and many wonderful changes have been made! With aesthetic spacing, a new home page, a Fleur-de-lis, and a deepened navy finish, the site is born anew! Get ready for more pages, more facts, and just generally more stuff!

Site News

A New Page on Clipper Ships is Here!

Read up on the legendary escapades on the tea clippers of the 1800s and the Great Tea Race of 1866! The stories of these sailing ships outmatching the power of steam will shock you, and you'll be amazed at power of these ships!

Lusitania's Page is now Complete!

New articles on the famous Transatlantic liner and her sinking have just dropped! Extensive information ranging from detailed descriptions of her interior fittings, to the events leading up to her sinking!

SS Great Britain's Page is now Complete!

New information on Brunel's famous SS Great Britain; the first of the ocean liners! Her wild escapades will shock you, and it's all made even more amazing because she's still around today!