Questions & Answers

About Site

What is

To put it simply, is a free-to-use website containing information on ocean liners. The idea came along a couple months ago that I could create one place where all of my research from over the years would be compiled as a singular accurate source. The About Site page is linked here, if you want the in-depth story of the site.

Why are some pages empty?

The site is still under construction. Many things have yet to be implemented, and you will still find empty or very short pages.

Is this a non-profit website?

Yes. This site has never made a single penny, and probably never will. This also means that you will never see an intrusive advertisement on

When will major updates come out?

I cannot say for sure when any updates may come out, as it largely depends on the scale of the update, as well as how much of the site is unfinished. Scheduled updates will only start being launched once every page currently on the site is flushed out with content.

Will you do an article about my favorite liner?

Maybe! The site is growing at a rapid rate, and I have every intention to keep adding page, so one day soon you may see a page about your favorite liner pop up!

Will you write about cruise ships?

Probably not. This website was created as a way to shine light on the forgotten ships of the past, not the new and popular cruise ship, and there are plenty of other websites about cruising already out there. Though I do still have a page on Ocean Liners vs. Cruise Ships, if you're interested!

Will you dress up the site for every holiday?

I will try to decorate it for most major holidays, though I can't get all of them. But it was a joy to see the site decked out in red and green over Christmas, So I think i'll do this more!


Can I use images on your site? contains images that may be copyrighted in some form. If you intend to use these images without specific permission from the copyright owner you may, as long as it is educational and/or non-profit as detailed in section 107 of US copyright law. If you intend to use these images for non-educational or commercial use, you MUST obtain specific permission from the copyright owner.

(P.S. I'm not a lawyer, I just know about copyright)

Can I quote Writing from your site?

Yes! I would be more than happy to allow anyone to use my writing in any project you may have, so long as you credit the site and provide a link.

Can I use videos on your site?

All videos on the site are YouTube videos, so that depends on what you're trying to use them for; in some cases copyright may not apply, but in other cases it will.

Can I use your site as a source for my own project?

Why yes of course! Though I would recommend that you use this site's sources first, as they are more complete indexes of information. Though if you still plan on using as a source, then be sure to credit the site for any direct quotes.


Is your site accurate?

Here at I try to make the information as accurate as possible. Before the creation of this site I had researched for several years on maritime history. I have a wide array of what I believe to be accurate sources behind every part of this website. Still, I can never guarantee that everything here is 100% the truth, yet I have tried to make it as close as it can be to a completely accurate source. I continue to research these things though, so if I have made a significant error, I will most likely correct it in the future.

What are your sources?

That is a very good question! Throughout this Q&A I have mentioned sources several times yet I haven't told you exactly what they are. Luckily there is an entire page that can tell you about them.

Why do some links not work? has gone through an update which has caused some of the links to malfunction, and I have not yet had the time to fix all of the links/buttons. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and I will try to fix the links in the near future.

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